Q&A Plugin

Ask questions & get answers - that is the core of our plugin. Benefit from the swarm intelligence in your company and offer employees a central contact point.

I have a question...

Guessing is good, asking is better! Who hasn’t experienced it – a question comes up, but the contact persons in the company are busy or not known at all. So why not ask your own colleagues? With the Q&A plugin, questions can be easily submitted and answered. The best thing about it: with every question answered, the knowledge in the company grows and solutions are no longer lost. And it’s all easy to do on your mobile phone or desktop in your social intranet.

The advantages


By and for employees - everyone can join in and share their knowledge.


... and simple - no workload on individual shoulders - instead, swarm intelligence helps and saves costs.


The experience and know-how of the employees are used, expanded and made accessible.


Thanks to integration into the intranet, whether mobile or desktop.

The features at a glance

  • Simple option to ask and answer questions
  • Mark answers as helpful or accept them as the correct answer, separate highlighting of the correct answer
  • Transparency thanks to automated status of questions – open, solved, & potentially answered
  • Extensive search and filter options
  • Push notifications for questioners when answers are received

We are always there for you.

Interested in the ideation plugin?

You are welcome to test it free of charge and without obligation for 4 weeks.

      Existing platforms

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