Staffbase NOW

Fast and easy communication with Staffbase NOW - ready for you in only 72h.

Reach all employees, everywhere.

Reach all employees, everywhere. With easy to fill templates, current news, a portal for questions as well as individual and group chats you can start in no time.

Fast employee communication in crises

Our start-with-Staffbase NOW-in-72h offer for you!

Already more than 350 leading companies reach their entire staff in real time with the Staffbase employee app. In case of a crisis this is even more important – with Staffbase NOW a complete platform for fast and high quality communication is now available within a few days.

Ready-made templates allow to create content quickly and easily, to answer questions as well as to identify relevant contact persons and provide important information. You can also promote communication between your employees through the chat function, which allows individual and group chats. With this solution you can reach all your employees via desktop or smartphone and keep them up to date with the latest events – and all this in only 3 days!

Simply get in touch with us.

What happens now?

+++ start within 3 days +++
  1. Sign up here.
  2. Within a few hours we will contact you by phone and plan the next steps together.
  3. Within one day we will give you access to the platform – you can already create content and make configurations. Here we support you at any time, train you in handling Staffbase NOW and are available for questions.
  4. Together we provide a smooth go-live of Staffbase NOW and take care of the provision of the native and branded apps in the public App-Stores.
Just contact us.

The schedule:

1 day: Your editors get access and can create content

3 days: Go-live of the platform mobile (web) and on the desktop for all employees

15 days: Go-live of the native app via the public app stores

Simply get in touch with us.

All advantages at a glance:

  • Go-Live within 3 days: Reach all employees with the latest news
  • Out-of-the-box: Ready-made templates for quick and easy content creation
  • Question portal to bundle questions from employees and to be able to answer them immediately
  • Chat function for quick and easy communication between employees
  • Automatic translation function for an international workforce
  • Desktop and mobile version in corporate design
  • No implementation fee until June 30th, only license fees are charged
Just contact us.

In the upcoming weeks we will be at your side as your partner and support you in every way possible.

We are also happy to advise you on how to develop Staffbase NOW into a comprehensive employee app or an intranet and how to fully exploit its potential.

Simply get in touch with us.

This is how we support you:

  • Our Professional Service is available to you at all times and supports you, for example, in the onboarding process of your employees
  • We advise you how to proceed after Staffbase NOW – at any time you can upgrade to the Staffbase Employee App or the Employee Experience Intranet
  • Implement our Ideation Plugin to provide a question portal on the current crisis situation
Just contact us.

We'll help you immediately!

You can reach us by phone: +49 351 2820 2281
Or write us an email:


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