Q&A 1.2 – April 2024

Small update for the Q&A plugin with improvements for UX and accessibility.

Stefan Schaffrath
published on 24. April 2024

Display sorting and filter options when initially displaying the question list

When initially displaying the list of questions, the user was previously unable to see according to which the questions were individually sorted or filtered. This often led to confusion among users.

That’s why we’ve improved it so that the default sorting and filtering is transparently displayed to the user.

Other Improvements

Changing text sizes for better readability.

We’ve reworked all the text sizes in the plugin to make it easier to read.

Display time next to date on Q&A.

In addition to the creation or editing date of questions or answers, the time was only displayed for the current day. We’ve now improved this so that the time is always displayed.

Improved validation of status colors for contrast (accessibility).

For the individual statuses of the questions, an editor can determine the text color. So far, we’ve only displayed a warning in case the editor has chosen a color that has too little contrast. Now it even prevents the storage of colors that have clearly too little contrast. This improves readability in terms of accessibility.


Images zoom for Android devices doesn’t work.

For images as attachments to questions or answers, the user could not zoom on Android devices. This is due to the embedding/integration via iFrame into the respective platform. That’s why we’ve added zoom buttons for images specifically for Android devices.

Image on home page not possible with white background.

When uploading an image to the home page, the editor can specify a background color. This has not been properly adopted for the color “white” so far. The error is fixed.

Do you have any further wishes or suggestions for improvements?

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